Wednesday 19 June 2013

Always take time to appreciate the people around you because, in their own very tiny little ways, they shape who you really are. They make you smile, they make you frown; they make you laugh, they make you cry - all of which add up to what we become in life.

Take your time to appreciate art, it's a venture that requires a lot of time, effort and dedication to accomplish so as to come up with something unique, something that is not a replica of anything else ever imagined. Something that lives on for ages without depreciating, but rather appreciating. Something eternal.

Enjoy music. It is the only form of art that communicates directly with our souls. Take time to sample all genres if possible, appreciate their creators. They are the people whose effort makes you smile every time you think of pressing that play button and turning the volume of your music player up!

Finally, appreciate knowledge. Acknowledge it. It is the factor that sets human beings apart from other creatures, otherwise, what is man without knowledge. Seek knowledge. Appreciate you human dignity.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

In the 21 years I have walked on the face of this earth, I have come to realize that Life is not really about just what nature or the environment provides you with or throws into your face. No! Life is all about the choices we make. The choice to smile instead of frown, the choice to encourage rather than discourage, the choice to see the glass as half full when everyone else sees it as half empty. The choice to get out of that comfortable bed and make a change in your life and the life of others or to sleep and wait for manna to come from God knows where! Life, in deed, is a cycle of choices. Choices we have to make every day. Choices for better, average or worse. Make a choice for better today Good people!

Saturday 8 June 2013

Welcome to my blog!

This blog is all about my view about life. Anything you want to know about me or anything that affets me, every crap I go through, you will find it all here!!

It's all in the spirit of having fun really, 'cause let's face it, Life is one hell of a joke!!!