Monday 17 November 2014

Why I am Against #MyDressMyChoice

I have been following the #MyDressMyChoice Trending Topic with a lot of interest, and for several reasons. One, is because I am a man, and an embarrassed one for that matter. Not only is Stripping of a Woman, or any other person, an abuse of human rights, but also it is extremely barbaric and uncouth; for lack of better words. I am ashamed to be associated with men who find it okay to strip their Sister, Mother or Daughter down to their birthday suit for whatever reason that be. These are not men at all, or half-men or boys. Their kind have no place in this society, the one before or the one after.

That said, I think we need, as a country, to quit stereotyping issues. That some men are irresponsible and reckless is not arguable. However, not all men are lacking in their manhood. There are pretty fine and refined men among us who should be recognized and highlighted. We need to celebrate these upright men who are respectable, and go a step further to name and shame those individuals among us who have no place in our civilized world. Everyone should and must carry their own cross. If it is so and so who did this and that wrong, then he or she must be solely responsible for their mistakes and crimes committed. Claiming that the men or women or a certain community is characteristic of whatever blemish is letting the bad characters among as off the hook way too easily. For this reason I really hope and pray that the concerned victim will come out and record her statement with the police, and that the matter will be acted upon with the degree of urgency it requires so that the beasts who committed such a heinous crime can be taught how to behave like humans.

Back to why I will not be supporting the demos today. I have a couple of reasons, and please feel free to agree or disagree with me - we are all entitled to an opinion, and I'm rightfully expressing mine(non-violently). The main reason is because this demo is not about addressing the underlying issue, which is moral decadence, intolerance and lack of respect for others in our society. The demo today, according to me, is all about attention-seeking and self-gratification. The parties demonstrating today do not care a tiny bit about what the poor lady went though; the trauma and horror of the ordeal. If they did, then someone would be making sure she has undergone professional counseling to help her deal with the trauma.

Secondly, the tag of the demo, #MyDressMyChoice, reeks of carelessness and immaturity. I don't really dispute the fact that everyone has a right to dress the way they want. Every Class Seven pupil knows that as a fact from the study of our coveted Bill of Rights. There is a twist to it though. Every right comes with a responsibility. A responsibility that everyone in this country, from our politicians to priests and the common man, seem to be running away from. We have a responsibility bestowed upon us to care about the welfare of other members of our community, but who seems to give a hoot what their immediate neighbour is going through? You guessed it. No one. We have simply reached a point where my neighbour's house could be on fire and I would shamelessly not bat an eyelid despite their obviously loud and endless cries for help. I'm not as religious, but to think that the majority of our citizenry are either Christians, Muslims or Hindus makes one question what people are taught in their places of worship. As "modernized" as we may think we are, we must not forget the fact that we live in a civilized society where mutual respect must prevail.

The responsibility that comes with the "#MyDressMyChoice" Freedom comes in when one has to decide what to wear when and in what context or venue. You see, if you are busking on the beach in your Bikini or swimming trunks, no one will bother you. You should, on the other hand, be responsible enough to know that you cannot wear the same to the office, a place of worship, a shopping mall or on the street - have you ever wondered why changing rooms are put up around a public swimming pool? It does not take Rocket Science to figure out what attire is appropriate for what occasion and time. It is just simple Common Sense! Unfortunately, some among us have decided that it's OK to wear what should be won on a girls-night-out during the day - oblivious of public opinion. It is not a surprise nowadays to see a grown woman going out to the shop in her night-gown. The most disturbing thing about this scenario is that most of these gowns are made of see-through material, which basically leaves out everything in the open for everyone to see. God save us if by any chance the kids in the neighbourhood happen to be playing innocently on the road. You can imagine the unthinkable sight their innocent young eyes and minds will be subjected to.

I could go on and on about the reasons why I will not support this #MyDressMyChoice demo, but like all other social debates, this one could go on for days, or even weeks, and so Martha Karua, Esther Passaris, Boniface Mwangi and company, I agree every citizen has a right to dress the way they want, but please, let us be responsible citizens and be mindful of others. Kenya is at a crossroads. It is up to us to decide the kind of future we want for this country, our dear children, and their children's children. Do we want a society where no one cares about the welfare of others or do we want a nation where everyone is at peace with themselves and others, and God(for the religious)? It is entirely up to us, ladies and gentlemen. I rest my case.